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What is Minimalism?

Minimalism, which has become a very popular subject among people in recent years, has started to form one of the main topics in many publications and productions in the world. Basically, when minimalism is mentioned, many people have the idea of ​​having very few items, having a small living space and living life in a simpler framework. However, minimalism is not only a structure framed by this logic, but also has a philosophical point of view.

To make a clear definition, minimalism; is to have the idea of ​​chasing happiness. It can be said that a person is an idea system that completes himself and enables him to follow his passions in order to achieve certain things. In this way, it will be necessary to have some things from the traditional point of view. In other words, it is never wrong to have something in the necessary process in terms of the goal and personal happiness one wants to achieve.

In fact, minimalism, which is seen as simplicity in Turkish, can be applied in different ways in all areas of life and it has different benefits for each person. Given the simplistic view as mentioned in the definition, some people misunderstand the minimalist lifestyle. Because they think they should live life simply. However, minimalism should not be regarded as living life simply, but should be seen as leading a simple life. In other words, the basic philosophy means accepting the slogan “less is more” and “less is more” in Turkish.

How to Become a Minimalist

In order for a person to have a minimalist lifestyle, it is important to accept the philosophy of low but essential. In this context, some questions come to the fore and each person should find answers to these questions by thinking in detail on their own. For example, a person has to question whether any item or system he or she has is useful. The answer to this question constitutes the golden question of those who want to have a simple life.

It’s important to distinguish between things that don’t work or work for you in any part of your life. At this point, while “thing” is used as a general word, it can mean any material or spiritual concept. In other words, you can examine the benefits and harms of two different things, such as choosing different foods while eating or watching a certain television program every day, or by taking into account the needs such as sleeping for a certain amount of time every day.

When you want to keep minimalism in your mindset, you can review the benefits and harms of everything in your life and keep only the useful ones in a simple, but concise position. In fact, the minimalist approach will be of great benefit to you when you shop most often. Because the person will not gain any benefit by buying things that do not work or keeping things that do not work.

Considering the things that are beneficial for you in minimalist life, removing the unhelpful things from your life, and having a less and more concise structure creates a very important concept as well as order. Because while living a very simple life, having a regular life at the same time will create a much greater benefit than having a complicated and stressful life.

For example, you can see this topic in the simplest sense in your wardrobe and personal belongings. When you first organize many things you own, such as dresses, shoes, household items, books, ornaments, you can reach a more practical result in this regard. Because everything that you do not need will come out more easily, and in this way, you will be able to reach less but more self-owned items more easily.

How Can One Live Life Minimalistically?

First of all, it is one of the most important points to be able to perceive the minimalism framework, to review how much benefit something brings to your life when you think absolutely. Because the basic philosophy is always seen as having little but essence. For example, one of the items that a man must have is a wallet. In addition, there are many different parts in this wallet and you may need to carry them with you most of the time.

When you think about an example like a wallet, you can consider issues such as what a wallet should be, what it should contain, and how it should benefit you. Since many things such as money, credit cards, business cards, photos that you will carry with you in order to lead a simple life are in your wallet, you can determine which ones are unnecessary and which ones are absolutely necessary for you. In this way, you can evaluate the wallet you have in this context and organize every piece of it at every point in your life, such as a wardrobe and your room.

For example, when choosing a wallet, you may think that you should actually have an accessory. This accessory usually carries items that you need to have with you, such as ID, driver’s license, health card, personnel card, credit card, bank account card, essential business cards and money. In addition, a wallet prepared with a solid, high quality, pleasant, that is, minimalist design will also be a great benefit for you to reach your goal.

When you go through the wallet example, minimalism reveals the same logic in many other examples in other points of your life. Because you can have a minimalist philosophy by considering what benefits these foods provide for you in the foods you consume in your daily life, or whether you should consume them or not.

It will be possible to achieve a better result by considering the minimalist framework at every point such as the books you read, the friendships, the conversations you have with people, the clothes you prefer in daily life, the decoration you make at home, the car you drive or the shopping you make.

Freedom of Minimalism

Considering the general framework, your life will become more free when you have less and more essential items along with the minimalist approach. Just as shown in the wallet example, instead of carrying many different materials in a balloon-style inflated wallet, using a simple wallet that contains only the necessary items can be of great benefit. A product that has a thin, elegant design and adds the quality you want to your life with its color and usage value will be enough.

When you accept the minimalist framework at every point such as products, goods, needs, physical activities, friendships, relationships, nothing can force you and nothing will waste your time. Focusing more easily on everything you want in your life and removing everything that is holding you back from your path and blocking your potential will lead to a minimalist lifestyle. In this way, it will be possible to use your time and life more efficiently and beneficially, and more freedom will be obtained.

At the last point, as some important details;

  • He now prefers lower amounts in shopping,
  • It can even turn to second-hand items,
  • He drives less
  • away from the mess,
  • Able to travel with less belongings,
  • Able to accept a smaller house,
  • If you can learn to spend less instead of making more money, you can become a minimalist.
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