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How to Keep a Wallet Slim?

The fact that the wallet you carry in your trousers or jacket pocket is full and that even if you will never use it, tens of cards are in the wallet, it can harm you both in terms of aesthetics and health. Wallets that have become overstuffed and bulky can create an uncomfortable and unnecessary image after a while when you are not aware of it.

Why Should You Carry a Slim Wallet?

When you are not aware of it for a long time, your wallet, which is gradually increasing and creating an unnecessary mess, can even cause trouble when you least expect it. For example, in a crowded environment where you need to make an urgent payment, you may realize how bad your situation is when you are in the confusion of searching for a card or withdrawing money in your wallet.

From an aesthetic point of view, a bulky wallet with a very rough appearance will look very bad in a jacket pocket or trouser pocket. However, such a wallet should never be included in a suit or sportswear that you wear with care.

In terms of health, a wallet that is too swollen, too stuffed and physically difficult to carry can cause many different problems. As stated by experts on this subject, when carrying a wallet, you should pay attention to keeping a very thin wallet with only the important things you need. Because a wrong and bulky wallet can cause problems such as back pain, low back pain, sciatica, rheumatism and poor posture.

With every point mentioned, it will be a great advantage for you that the wallet you own is very thin, has as few details as possible and is of good quality. As an example in this regard, the Men’s Leather Wallet Poyraz products offered by the Blaxy Leather brand can be seen as the product you are looking for. In this case, how the wallet should become thin and what should be done can be examined through the sample product.

Get Everything Out First

If you want to carry out a comprehensive organization of your wallet, you must first sit at a desk and have your wallet in front of you. Afterwards, you will have to take out everything in the wallet, down to the smallest detail. Because only in this way you can see how many items are in the wallet and which parts of them are necessary or unnecessary.

Especially if the wallet you use is not prepared well, that is, if its production is not provided with quality materials, workmanship and design, all these items can cause the wallet to have a much worse appearance. In this case, among the points that most people notice, it is noticed that membership cards, business cards, previously paid receipts, checks, promissory notes, old photos or note papers that have not been used for a very long time have accumulated in the wallet.

In fact, papers, cards and receipts that you didn’t even know were in the wallet for a very long time may have made the wallet like this for nothing. For this reason, you will first need to review everything you take out of your wallet, check them one by one, and determine which ones will be used and which ones will not.

Choose Your Two or Four Most Important Cards

The most important things that should be in a wallet are cards, that is, tools that meet daily needs. Looking at these vehicles, an identity card and a driver’s license must be included, as an adult in Turkey must have in their wallet. In addition, you must have the personnel card issued by the institution you work for.

Although the three basic cards are the needs that reveal your personality and enable you to carry out your transactions in daily life, there is no obligation to have any card in your wallet other than these cards. Especially nowadays, a man who uses a smart phone does not need to keep any of these cards in his wallet.

For example, debit cards and credit cards given to you by banks have become easy to use through mobile applications thanks to smartphones. Because anyone who uses their smartphone regularly and has an internet connection can easily make withdrawals, pay online or pay at the cashier without a credit or debit card.

Membership Cards Will No Longer Work for You

Membership cards are at the forefront of the details that make up the most crowds in wallets and that often do not work at all. Membership cards given to you at points such as clothing stores, shopping pages, travel companies, gas stations, communication companies or health clubs have become increasingly obsolete and invalid. Cards have now created a structure that can only be used with facilities such as phone numbers or QR codes, thanks to smartphones.

At some points, institutions and organizations that provide specific services state that individuals must have their membership card with them. In this case, you can choose this card, which should always be with you for your urgent needs or regular use, and you can remove other membership cards from your wallet that will not be needed in daily life.

An Indispensable Amount Of Money Must Be In The Wallet

Cash will be among the most basic necessities that you should always have with you. For this reason, it will definitely give you the amount of cash in the wallet that will not create excessive swelling and fullness in the wallet and will provide a solution to your most urgent needs. In this way, you can quickly use cash in troubled moments or tight situations.

Give Up Business Cards, Receipts And Invoices

As a final point, of course, it is time to move away from the business cards, paid invoices, credit card receipts or bank receipts that are classically often found in the wallet. These unnecessary details will make for rough and undesirable use even in the largest size wallets.

Choosing the Right Wallet

When you pay attention to all the details mentioned, all the obstacles in front of you will disappear in order to have a thin wallet and to have a healthy use. However, in this case, choosing the right wallet will be another important detail, as a minimalist wallet will be used. In this regard, Poyraz Men’s Leather Wallet, which provides a peak in durability and minimalisticity thanks to Blaxy Leather, can be seen as one of the most important choices.

Men’s Leather Wallet Poyraz, which has a special design, has a minimalist and aesthetic appearance with a high quality enough to allow for many years of use. Although thin, this wallet is always sturdy and durable, and is produced with genuine leather quality thanks to full-grain leather.

When you choose this type of minimalist wallet by getting rid of the oversized, worn out and over-looking wallets you have been using for years, you will realize how many unnecessary details you actually carry in your wallet. In this way, you will be able to get comfort in terms of both aesthetics and health by keeping the essential parts that are really needed in daily life in your wallet.

This choice of wallet, which is one of the biggest complements in men’s clothing, will fit perfectly with any combination of clothing with colors such as brown or tan. A wallet that you can carry wherever you want, whether in your trouser pocket, in your jacket pocket, or wherever you want, will give you a different style with its minimalist style. Moreover, it will be an advantage to carry the simplest cards with sufficient dimensions, sufficient cash and basic needs with you.

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